Awesomecon 2017
Washington DC 16-18 June
They stood by the wall most of the day.  Very committed to their characters.Never turst a T-Rex in a fight.....I was much cooler than I felt. Was surpsied to see my heat signature was less than most of the others.Awesome tatoo from one of the vendors.  Wish I'd  have taken her card so I could share.Not quite the droid I was looking for......Stan Lee......need I saw more????Danganronpa!!!!!!  Junko and Monokuma.Another shot of Junko and MonokumaSpy vs. Spy deadpool@MJ_AND_SPIDEY (instagram & twitter).  I only got one shot of these two, because I didn''t pay enough attention to my focus.They were at the Stan Lee breakfast.  The met because of their joint love of Spiderman.  The Scarlet Stitch.  She crochet's all of her cosplay.  Really talented!  Check her out (just google "the scarlet stitch"
Various Picures from the convention and convension center
The Stan Lee Museum
This was a free museum brought by Stan Lee.  It was created from his personal collection of original prints, movie props, suites, etc.  Was totally amazing.
ROM!!!!What does a man like Stan Lee shave with?  Super hero razers of course.